
Thursday, February 03, 2005

Sao Tome and Principe
I thought I knew my small island nations - used to be a hobby of mine, but I'd missed these - smallest country in Africa. 200,000 people, newly oil rich, no US trade presence to speak of. Next elections 2006, new at the whole elections game. Average age 16. Principe is autonomous, the smaller island. Mostly raises cocoa for the Netherlands.Ave income around 1,000/yr. About 10,000 of the local currency to the dollar. So the average islander is a millionaire by their standards.
This isn't anything I plan to do anything with.
The usual opportunities are there... consulates, trade missions, flag of convenience, golf course, political party, spaceport, numismatics, ...
It was listed in Sasha Volokh's song of countries.

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