
Thursday, May 12, 2005

Book 28, The Broker, John Grisham.
I'm spending today as I like to spend my days, in bed with a good book.
When i shop, i shop sensibly, opting for more cheap whole foods and less expensive junk food. But then in the car on the way home I'll start eating the junkiest of what I bought, rather than the best value. It's that way with books too.
Spending $22 at the used books store the other day, I came away with a sound diet of tomes on Kennedy for a project I'm doing, and a few items from the 50 cent rack, one of which was the latest Grisham. I've read, and or seen as a movie, almost all the others.
This one is thinner than usual but just as tasty.
I have a date tonight, a CLE tomorrow, plenty of stuff I should be doing, but a good book is its own reward. I am not acutely conscious of anything major I was supposed to do today, although it's possible. Yesterday I burned a pot of apples I was stewing, left them on the stove while I went to walmart.
Oh the book. Grisham novels have a bit of a 'ripped from the headlines" feel, where they sometimes parallel current affairs topics. Here we have a corrupt president selling pardons on his way out of the office, a scary old guy running the CIA,
some white house aides dying so that it looks like an accident, a plucky jounalist...
a lesser writer could botch this badly, but with Grisham it just flows. And since this one hasn't yet been made into a blockbuster starring (whatshisname), I'm able to visualize it myself.
Well, strangely, blogger isn't letting me post this, so I'll save it in the buffer and try again.

Update Friday: I went to the CLE. It was a dog and pony show, which worked hard at being entertaining as well as informative. The presenter, an italian new yorker who lives in new orleans, showed clips from the rainmaker to illustrate some points on how to take depositions. He talked about the real cases Grisham's books are based on. He used others movies as well so we saw jimmy stewart, joe pesci, john travolta.
He talked about being the technical advisor to my cousin vinny, as well as working with Richard Burton on broadway.
Note to self: tell cousin vinny story. Gotta go, my time at the library is up.

It was 1992, spring break. I had just seen My Cousin Vinny. Great flick, deserved the Oscar.
I'm unclear on the timing, but I think it was just after the Computers Privacy and Freedom conference, and just before a gay student conference at my alma mater, the U of Del, where I saw the flirtations. I was on rt 1, just after I crossed into Delaware from Maryland outside Ocean City. It was pre-season, and the beach and the town were deserted. I got a speeding ticket, and a ticket for not having my blue vehicle registration card. Missouri in those days didn't issue a vehichle registration card, so I didn't know what he was talking about. I put it off for awhile, and eventually reached a plea agreement, but the prosecutor tried to say I had to be there in person to make the plea. I wrote a motion to the judge, and the plea was accepted. It was my first case, and had strange parallels with My Cousin Vinny. During the time we were bickering about all this, my license was suspended, and the bar examiners committee, back in Missouri was not too happy I'd had a suspended license. One of the reasons I wound up practicing in Indiana instead.

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