
Thursday, June 16, 2005

50 book thingy
Post-singularity fiction.
It's hard to know who to root for. The lobsters? The hypercat?
Stories like this take snow crash, deepness in the sky, the persistance of vision, et ilk, as conservative and tame. A woman, her parents, her cat, a man who is the son of another herself, as well as articially intellegent lawsuits and corporations, run amok when the aliens are discovered.
Amber dives inward, forks her identity, collects a complex bundle of her thoughts and memories, marshals them, offers Annette one end of an encryption tunnel, then stuffs the frozen mindstorm into her head. Annette sits still for approximately ten seconds, then shudders and whimpers quietly. "You must ask your father," she says, growing visibly agitated. "I must leave, now. I should not have known that! It is dynamite, you see. Political dynamite. I must return to my primary sister-identity and warn her."

"Your – wait!" Amber stands up as fast as her ill-coordinated body will let her, but Annette is moving fast, swarming up a translucent ladder in the air.

"Tell Manfred!" calls her aunt through the body of an ape: "Trust no one else!" She throws another packet of compressed, encrypted memories down the tunnel to Amber; then, a moment later, the orange skull touches the ceiling and dissolves, a liquid flow of dissociating utility foglets letting go of one another and dispersing into the greater mass of the building that spawned the fake ape.

5:11 pm the next day, finished. The cat wins, i think.
Portions of this book originally appeared in Asimov's SF Magazine as follows: "Lobsters" (June 2001), "Troubadour" (Oct/Nov 2001), "Tourist" (Feb 2002), "Halo" (June 2002), "Router" (Sept 2002), "Nightfall" (April 2003), "Curator" (Dec 2003), "Elector" (Oct/Nov 2004), "Survivor" (Dec 2004).

Meanwhile, while reading that online, I've about finished book 30, the Andrew Young bio. King's been shot, Young is elected to congress, beating Wyche Fowler.
Young reels off a list of anti-war activists mysteriously taken out - Thomas Merton, dies in Thailand in 1969, hairdryer thrown into a bathtub - Merton was bald.
Young thinks the FBI was behind James Earl Ray, knew about and didn't stop JFK's hit by New Orleans Mafia don Marcelo. Or I could be mixing this up with book 32, which I'm also reading, which is more explicit in saying Hoover took out JFK.

This fits the version of how LBJ got the Veep nomination - pressure from Hoover on JPK. Now book 32, by a Mark North, is intended to be marketed to conspiracy theorists, and might not be of much historical veracity - I'm only in the opening chapters.
Still, it's fun to pick up a book and try to sort out which diabolical plot I'm in the middle of, and what are the lobsters up to?

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