
Saturday, June 04, 2005

So yesterday i ran around doing things on my list - today has been the opposite.
No amount of coffee is helping. Read a few FEC comments on internet rulemaking, but apparently everyone working on that takes the weekend off so not much new.
Turned down an offer to sell my house for 80% of the asking price.
I took out the trash and colected the rent from my roommate, that was about it.
It's the beginning of the too hot season, during which I'm lethargic, as opposed to the too cold season, when i'm hibernating under the covers. Note to self - must.. plug in.. air..conditioner.. this year.

I started this post, i think, in order to do some short reviews of webcomics.
Alex - supposed to be very clever british satire. Today's punchline involved a toilet - I think I'll skip it.
Something positive - didn't do anything for me, aside from the ad for gossamer commons.
Is something positive where "accentuate negative" comes from? dunno.
VG Cats - I've liked a few strips of it before, none from this set. Maybe I'm not in the right frame of mind.
Increasingly I'm seeing this post as well-meant but pointless.
Sinfest was wonderful as always - i guess i'll go see if filthy lies has updated.
Meanwhile I've had my second slashdot posting rejection. Which is ok.
I forgot if you don't save a copy it's gone - it was a post about a pill which is supposed to block free radicals, and thus maybe extend life.
I forget its name, an herbal blend of green tea, milk thistle, turmeric, and a couple obscure plants.

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