
Monday, July 11, 2005

Three cheers for moral anarchy.
Robert Bork, in the wall street journal, says that O'Connor and her associates are hippies running amok. He advocates instead sharia, majoritarian fundamentalism imposed by force. He seems not to have heard of the declaration of independence or the american revolution. Some astute people have suggested that his voice is one of bitterness and dissent, jilted, and that had he been on the court he might have espressed himself more moderately. This could be true. But my god, the man is a monster. He has earned his place in the language - he was well and properly Borked. I am, usually, a fan of Justice Thomas, and sometimes of Scalia, and usually of O'Connor and Kennedy. But save us from the Borks - in that instance, the Senate's advice and consent function functioned, and kept this unfit man off the court. I hope Bush will choose well. I have little reason to expect him to. I will probably be in support of the nominee while she or he is unfairly attacked by PFAW and suchlike. But I'm glad the process is there.

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