
Monday, August 08, 2005

Rambling pointless post follows.
Once upon a time I was driving south on I-95 somewhere around baltimore. I picked up a hitchhiker. He said he was going to Dallas. "Dallas?" I asked? "No, Dallas" he replied, "the airport."
This story makes more sense if you know the regional accent of Duluwur and Murulund.
Years later I actually met Tim Ore. I think it was 1986 at the haymarket anarchist gathering.

Word for the day: punnet. I don't know what it means, but i'm guessing it's like a gaggle of tomatoes.

U.K. small basket: a small light rectangular basket or container in which fruits such as strawberries or raspberries are sold
Oh I didn't know there was a word for those.

Via sploid, half of us are allergic to something. Typically roaches (1/4) or ragweed or sometimes (1/11) peanuts. I keep the ragweed pulled on my own property, but not along the rest of the alley. I fight a losing battle with the roaches. I may be having some effect, because lately I've been seeing albino ones - mutants.
My sister got frequent allergy shots, and my brother took penicillin daily, but I was quiet and avoiding getting tested for anything like that, but think i'm chock full of allergies. Today I'm having an adverse reaction from overdoing a home remedy involving quinine and tincture of juniperberry.
Update: a hangover doesn't typically last two days - I guess I'm sick.

Will mentions that Caveat Emptor is having a sale. I passed by it a couple weeks ago, but at night when it wasn't open. If my car were working, and oil wasn't $66/barrell, a trip to bloomington for bookstore shopping might have been just the bait for a nice young man there who wrote to me today, but isn't willing to go on a "date." My days of long drives for possible non-dates are pretty much over, although I've been doing better at getting out of the house now and then.
Will goes on to compare UPS with the USPS, re shipping books. I should see if my job offer from UPS is still open and if I can transfer the offer to Milwaukee, where I'm gradually moving. But that's not my point. In Japan, everybody has a savings account at the post office. Maybe not everybody, but it adds up to 3 trillion. I think that's dollars not yen. So the (president? prime minister?) wants to privatize, only some in his party would not go along, so he has called an election for 9/11/05. The government may fall. OK, it's still the government, but the not currently in power party could win.
As promised, this has been a rambling pointless post. I need to go to bed, but the Nelson Algren I'm reading is tediously dull and I'm not sure I want to start the next Kennedy bio.

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