
Saturday, August 20, 2005

Note to self: read ivy's rants one of these days. http://rants.lackofoxygen.net/

Ivy's Traumatized Potatoes

3 normal-sized potatoes (one or 2 people)
a large pan
some milk
some pepper
some salt for you sick bastards
some butter or margarine

Slice potatoes into decent sized chunks. Leave the skins on, they're nutritious and not that gross. Dump into a pan of water. Boil until they can be mashed. Drain water. Mash the stuffing out of them with a potato masher or anything that is used to mash things (a hammer works too). Leave a few chunks to prove they aren't from a box. Add milk, butter, pepper (and salt) to taste. Voila. Traumatized potatoes.

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