
Saturday, August 27, 2005

Something I just posted to a message board at stripcreator:

I've met these guys, sort of.
They are the westboro baptist church, which consists only of the extended family of (whatsisname, it'll come to me - fred phelps.).
The patriarch is a nutcase - we can only guess at what kind of childhood issues he had. he then abused his family members so severely they have stockholm syndrome - the only way they can make sense of what they've gone thru is to identify with the oppressor. [source: westword article, a denver alternative paper, circa 1985]
I met one of the grandsons online. He used to come into the #bisex channel (where i met my boyfriend 10 years ago) and flood and disrupt it, and i always tried to be friendly and reasonable - i figure hate the sin, love the sinner. At stonewall 25 I went up to their posse and said, "hi, is ben here?" and would have taken him to lunch or just chatted, but i guess they were afraid of me or something and um stonewalled.
The group is a wonderful advertisement for agnosticism and toleration of gays - they are so over the top, they embarrass the jerry falwell types, and demonstrate anthropologicaly how the "religious right" resembles this form of cult madness. (I'm somewhat religious, and hold antiauthoritarian views generally considered conservative, so this isn't a slam at the right in general, i'm referring to the 'god is a republican and hates fags and arabs' crowd.]

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