
Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Today I missed a free Federalist Society CLE lunch on Kelo. I'm not much good at scheduling and remembering to be places. I've already ranted, somewhere in the archives here, about how IJ has accomplished more by losing Kelo than any of the cases they have won. I'm still sick, but better than yesterday. Websnark manages to write about being sick, and sound erudite and entertaining. I'm just being whiny.
My boyfriend/tech guy is spending tonight rebuilding some server arrays (or whatever they are.) The idea of redundant backups is that they won't both fail at once - that seems to be what happened. Today's Penny Arcade illustrates the theme. Moral - back up your work in three places, at least one of which isn't subject to the same natural disasters as the others - fire, tsumani, huns. But don't count on free web backup sites to be reliable either - so a daily subroutine that checks to see if they are still there will help save your ass files.
I havent gotten much else done today either, wrote it off as a sick day. I switched phone companies and harvested a vegetable.

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