
Saturday, October 22, 2005

I've long thought Roger Ebert's movie reviews are some of the best prose in America.
Often, the best line is the last one. Oh, and as a bonus, they tell you about movies.
I rarely go see movies, what with no disposable income, based on a life choice to spend all my time online. The new place has cable, so I'm catching up a bit. Here's one I might go see.
"Kids in America" is a call to the barricades, and a lot of fun.

A few other examples of the technique:
Good Night and Good Luck:
How many Americans know what habeas corpus means, or why people are still talking about it on TV?
Another great line for the book.
If your horse might win but might break the same leg again, you have so much riding on the race that the odds don't really come into it.
in her shoes
Now a life is changed by reading.

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