
Thursday, November 17, 2005

04-0377 Lassa v. Rongstad
Justices N. Patrick Crooks and Patience Drake Roggensack are not participating in this case.
Issues: This case originated as a defamation action brought by state Rep. Julie Lassa, who is now Sen. Julie Lassa (D-Stevens Point). Lassa brought this action against Todd Rongstad and unknown others for their role in funding, producing, and distributing a mailing that criticized Lassa for her supposed connections to a senator who was under criminal indictment. The Supreme Court will clarify when the identity of anonymous speakers must be disclosed in a defamation action brought by a public official. From Dane County. I wonder how that one will turn out. I've alerted Paul Alan Levy who does a lot with these sorts of cases.
Some background.
A useful briefing on the case. Since this turns out to be an election law case, it really belongs in my other blog...

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