
Monday, August 21, 2006

Pope: Don't work too hard
20/08/2006 16:36 - (SA)
Castelgandolfo - Too much work can be bad for you, even if you are the pope, Pope Benedict said on Sunday.
Speaking during his Sunday address at his summer residence south of Rome, the pope quoted from the writings of St Bernard of Chiaravalle, who lived in the 11th and 12th centuries.
"We have to guard ourselves, the saint observed, from the dangers of excessive activity, regardless of the office one holds, because too many concerns can often lead to hardness of heart," the pope said.
"This warning is valid for every type of job, even those concerned with the government of the church," he said.
The 79-year-old Benedict noted that the saint had written to the pontiff of the times, Eugene III, warning him of the dangers of working too hard.
Benedict said one should always make room for "prayer and contemplation".

I did my part - I got up at noon.

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