
Monday, October 16, 2006

Obscure word (phrase) for the day, hunkypunk. Wikipedia entry.
Regional British slang for a gargoyle like thing.
Found while looking for hunkipunki, which is apparently german. This all is a tangent from BoingBoing's article on the Nobel peace prize going to that microcapital project in Bhangladesh.
I first read about that in Caroline Kennedy's New Profiles in Courage, which showcases a few dozen people doing neat things. I'm a fan of microcapital in general, and the way it's being used in the program that won the prize. I didn't win this year, but I'm happy they won. (For a little while I was campaigning for nomination for the Nobel peace prize, to test Volokh's idea that nomination is too easy - it isn't actually that easy. I'll move on to something simpler, like maybe running for vice-president.)

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