
Sunday, November 19, 2006

An upcoming movie about Bobby will, for many Americans, be all they know about the late Kennedy.
Here, from Howard, is an article that tells of 4 men wrongfully imprisoned for life in order to shift blame away from FBI mob informants.
It says, or claims, that the FBI knew the murder would happen, didn't stop it, knew that the killers were their own snitches, set up the frame of the guys who got convicted, that Hoover and Kennedy set the policies, whether or not they had hands-on involvement in the case. These things, if true, would send to support the theory that Hoover had advance info on the mob planning to kill JFK, didn't stop it, and let a patsy take the fall.
The LBJ library has recently released new tapes of LBJ on Vietnam. Nothing earthshaking in what I've seen so far.

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