
Saturday, January 06, 2007

The computer lab was closed so I went to the coffeehouse. Ran into old friends Niswander and Joh Padgett and met journalist/blogger Ruth Holladay.
They are doing some kind of alternative press project, currently codenamed indyrats, a play on the Indy Star,the local McPaper. A site is up but so far lacks content.
I went with them to a local lesbianese restaurant.
This guy was our waiter. (A pic I'd taken of him 5 years ago is below..)
I showed them how to make cartoons at stripcreator, suggested a few stories.
Went to Joh's so I could use a computer to try to get some work done, read the Posner opinion and Evans dissent in Democratic Party v Rokita, watched a youtube trailer Dan made for the movie Bobby, discussed various possible media projects, took Dan to Joell's Party, called it a night.
update: had mail today from Ruth alterting me to Dan Carpenter's column about the voter ID case so I wrote to him and will see if that gets any response. Joh has assigned me to write something for indyrats about legislation which would expand the powers of the secretary of state to investigate voter fraud. The indyrats site is currently experiencing technical difficulties, please stand by.
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