
Saturday, January 20, 2007

What I'm reading: The Rainmaker by John Grisham. I like Grisham, but hadn't bothered to read this one because I'd already seen the movie, one of the first starring roles for Matt Damon. No comment here about Grisham's own recent legal troubles. I'm reading a lot lately because it's a useful stress management tool if I don't overdo it. When I was a kid, I read escape fiction to escape from some family stress and the sensory deprivation of life in the suburbs. I never studied in high school, didn't have any motivation to, but I was pretty well read which formed a good basis for college and law school. Knowing now what I didn't know then, I would have studied, applied to good schools and majored in sciences, but at the time I was sheltered and naive and thought that as a national merit scholar with ambition, I'd find some sort of career someday.
I became internet addicted for similar reasons. I don't program, and missed out on the whole dot.com boom, jumped in in time for crash of '01 and lost my, shirt.

The book is about young man who gets through law school with no money, can't find a job, finds a case with potential, a streetwise shady partner, but has trouble collecting his fee. It's my life, told better. His books are well enough written that it's ok that I know how it will turn out.

It gave me a few ideas about how I should go try to market this one case I have right now, a challenge to Indiana's Voter ID rules. Next up, The Firm, another Grisham I hadn't read because I'd seen the movie with Tom Cruise. From imdb, I learn Grisham wrote the screenplay, but no novel, for Mickey, a legal thriller that's mostly about the cutthroat world of little league baseball. Stars Harry Connick Jr., who can act if given a decent role. The reviews aren't good, but I might like this. trailer.

1 The American Black Chamber, Herbert Yardley.
2 Marco Polo if you can, William F Buckley.
3 Living History, Hillary Clinton.
4 Maui Revealed.
5 Another day in the frontal lobe.
6 Me, Katherine Hepburn.
7 The Rainmaker, John Grisham.
8 Some kid's book about a talking pinata who learns a moral about short change.
9 The Firm, Grisham.

Google, usually the font of all knowledge, didn't bring up the Todd and the Talking Pinata book, but it gave some clues - apparently you can get the book as part of a taco bell happy meal. There were talking pinatas for sale though. I looked into getting one for my teddy bear gt bear, whose pull-string voicebox was already broken when he came to live with us in 1986. It was his urgings that compelled me and my girlfriend to go to law school, so that we could buy him a ferrari. That part never quite worked out.

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