
Saturday, January 27, 2007

What I'm reading:
Reel Futures, an anthology of SF stories that have been made into movies, By Forest J Ackerman.
Mostly stuff I've read before, like Zelazny's Damnation Alley and Barry Longyear's Enemy Mine.
Longyear is great - I've read two of his circus world novels and the sequel to enemy mine.
Enemy Mine won the arbi award for worst movie from best book.
Also reading Edgar Pangborn's And still I persist in Wondering, a collection of stories in the Davy universe. Has a forward by Spider Robinson, just gushing about how wonderful Pangborn is as a writer and a person. I'm inclined to agree. Robinson was all set to write Pangborn a fan letter but Pangborn died. I've had that experience. Robinson mentions that Pangborn wrote outside of SF, mysteries and an obscure but good historical novel. During the Golden Age of Science Fiction ("twelve"), I was a geeky kid with a library card so I worked my way through the two science fiction shelves at the Wilmington Library, which is the basis for my scientific literacy which led to an interest in computer internets and geek culture.
My time to read and blog may be reduced - starting a new full time blue collar job monday.

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