Thursday, February 01, 2007

Comic has been updated slightly. NPR commentary.
youtube video of the terrorists' press conference.. about hair. Their web site,
Further update: sunday, i was in the coffee shop and got to talking to this older guy who we've been saying hi when we're both there on saturday nights. he mentioned he worked for a moving company on the north side. Wheaton?, I asked.
Oh, I've interviewed with them at a job fair. I have the Tshirt, because I have vague plans to someday send it to Wil Wheaton. [conversation digresses - who? oh wesley crusher - yeah he's a blogger now, does comedy - Comedy really? etc...]
So today I check my wheaton links, because I'm wasting the day online instead of getting the interogatories done,and Wil's comments on the mooninite controversy are about right.
Meanwhile, France joins Ireland Italy and um, Malta, in banning smoking in many public places.
It's the old story of one threat - smoke, giving way to another - authoritariansm.
As an anarchist and militant nonsmoker, I have somewhat mixed feelings.
The culture of secret smokers may bear watching.
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