
Thursday, March 22, 2007

Death of Crescat?
The blogs that I read daily are Hasen's election law blog, because of the topic matter, and Volokh, because of the quality and quantity of law blogging, but crescatsententia has been my favorite.
There are strong hints that it is dying off. Since the beginning, it's been about 1/2 Will Baude, 1/4 Waddling Thunder aka Raffi,and 1/4 misc others. Currently, Will is busy writing articles at Yale, and Raffi is apparently actually working as a lawyer. The others have mostly wandered off to other things.
The solution, if any is needed, might be something like an auction.
I don't know what kind of hit count crescat gets, and its usual lack of comments limits the ability to see if it has a following, but it seemed to get lots of interaction with other law student type blogs. I haven't seen much in the way of emerging new law blogs. I know the sheer number of blogs is up every year, but I don't see the new ones getting linked and integrated into the older ones. I realize the corner of the internet I follow is a tiny slice of what is out there, and I've never heard of some of the blogs that some people find essential, and vice versa.
Anyway, crescat could a) offer itself for sale and see if gets any takers or b)put out a call for auditions to let new blood take over. Not interested myself - I think i've proved I can't blog my way out of a paper bag. But there may be others willing and able. Now I'll try going back to sleep.

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