
Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Had a nice email from an old friend, who suggests we mail weekly, in what will be an evolving dialog.
Current topics include
Open sourcing education
Is Atlas Shrugged worth re-reading?
I'm not yet cutting and pasting from the mails to here, because I'm waiting for his ok, and because this terminal has some sort of malware that's interfering with cut and paste at the moment.
But slashdot today has a story about open sourcing education,including that MIT is going to put all its courses online by the end of the year.
That should help bring the singularity: all those afghan rebels can start getting MIT educations in nanotech and particle physics.
Meanwhile, BoingBoing has a story by Xeni about how Sikh temples open source food: they feed whoever comes by. Pay what you want. A comment to the story points out this isn't just a sikh thing; most temples in India do this. I can vouch for the practice - I used to eat weekly at hindu temples in Newark DE and Boulder CO. I assumed it was a recruiting tool for that particular sect, but it turns out to be a more widespread custom.
Meanwhile, I applied today to be a research subject for a nasa study on effects of weightlessness. I got laid off fired from my factory job a few weeks ago, so it looks like I'll be doing research studies for a living again until I find something else. It's not likely I'll get the nasa gig, but I test tomorrow for a medical study. Yesterday I didn't get into one at Eli Lilly because I disclosed that I'd had some nosebleeds as a child. www.jalr.org turns out to be a good resource for finding such studies.

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