
Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Too many of my friends are gamer geeks - you know, masquerade, larps, magic the gathering, DnD, pokemon, doom. I only play three games, other than cards:
chess, monopoly, and elections. Ok, I'll play tag or hide and seek or stuff like that, but I don't find grownups into that sort of thing very often.
Anyway, the point is chess.
I've been playing since 1968,and thought I knew the rules, but a situation came up with a rule dispute,and at the time we didn't have access to google.
The question: when castling, can you move the rook across a space where it would be attacked? (remember, the rook and king can not have moved, and the king cannot cross a space where it would be attacked,and you can't castle out of check.)
Googling the first two sets of rules that came up, it seems that the guy was right - it's ok to move a rook across an attack. When asked at the time, I said I didn't think that was kosher, but I wasn't absolutely sure - spoken like a lawyer, I left myself an out in case I was wrong. I spent a month away from google,and I felt like I'd lost 20 iq points - I'm just used to having information at my fingertips.

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