Tuesday, April 03, 2007
This is cory doctorow winning the 2007 EFF pioneer awards, which are given out at the Computers Freedom and Privacy conferences.

This is the webcomic that inspired the picture.

The 1992 CFP conference was a life-changing experience for me. While my classmates went on to be fairly traditional lawyers, I started living on the internet, thinking I might be able to have some role, as a lawyer, in the struggle for freedom and privacy on the internet. Didn't work out, but I gave it a shot. I've attended CFP's 2,4, 9 and 10. Usually it's far away or I'm busy or broke or I forget. Currently I tend not to travel further than I can drive in a day. Which reminds me, I need to turn off this computer and head up to Waukegan for a week - I have a gig atAbbot Labs a Chicagoland pharmaceutical maker.

This is the webcomic that inspired the picture.

The 1992 CFP conference was a life-changing experience for me. While my classmates went on to be fairly traditional lawyers, I started living on the internet, thinking I might be able to have some role, as a lawyer, in the struggle for freedom and privacy on the internet. Didn't work out, but I gave it a shot. I've attended CFP's 2,4, 9 and 10. Usually it's far away or I'm busy or broke or I forget. Currently I tend not to travel further than I can drive in a day. Which reminds me, I need to turn off this computer and head up to Waukegan for a week - I have a gig at
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