
Friday, May 04, 2007

But one question was simply amusing and offers some interesting insight into the personal views of those on stage. A Politico.com editor asked John McCain whether he believed in evolution. McCain answered he did, and then the editor asked any candidates who did not believe in evolution to raise their hand. This won't show up in transcripts and, unless you have TiVo or DVR, you weren't likely to see the quick showing of answers. Thankfully I have DVR. Of the ten candidates on stage, three raised their hand: Sen. Sam Brownback, Gov. Mike Huckabee, and Rep. Tom Tancredo.
Posted by Joshua Claybourn at May 3, 2007 09:16 PM

To me, this means Brownback and Huckabee are effectively out of the race - they might be able to win a nomination, but not an election.

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