
Friday, May 04, 2007

Gabe geeking out over being able to book Wil at PAX. Next up, Wil geeking out at being booked for PAX.

PAX 2007 is creeping up on us and I’ve got another batch of info about this year’s show to share with you.
First off I can finally announce our keynote speaker. You probably know him best as Wesley Crusher from Star Trek: The Next Generation. That’s right it’s writer,actor,geek icon Wil Wheaton! Wil has been in a bunch of movies but he’s also written a couple books, Dancing Barefoot and Just a Geek. He of course maintains his mega popular blog at wilwheaton.net and he contributes to a handful of other tech and media blogs. Tycho and I are both really excited to have Wil on board this year. Maybe too excited in fact. I had to sign some paperwork promising to never refer to him as “Wesley” or ask him if he and the Daledian princess Salia ever “did it”.

Yup here it is:
I'm really nervous about appealing to the audience," I said, "but I know that I can write something entertaining about classic arcades and the significance of console and hand-held gaming to my generation. I'm pretty sure I can take some cheap and easy shots at Jack Thompson, too."
I took a deep breath.
"Yeah, I'd love to come to PAX and be your keynote speaker."
"Awesome! I'll tell the guys. They're going to be very happy that you're on board."
So that's the story of how I invented ice cream.

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