
Monday, May 07, 2007

Scotusblog post about New Jersey v Delaware:
The controversy over that plant led New Jersey to file its lawsuit against Delaware directly in the Supreme Court (under the Court's Original jurisdiction under the Constitution). Delaware has refused all requests to grant any permits for the gas plant project, so far as it would extend out into the river and across inside its boundary. The controversy had grown so heated that Delaware considered taking steps to have its National Guard protect its borders, and a New Jersey legislator proposed the idea that a battleship now used as a museum in Camden might be brought back into service to repel an armed invasion.
Back in the day, when I was a long-haired college student, I knew a folksinger Tom Haducovitch (sp?) who wrote a song that went something like this:

Delaware and New Jersey/
hand an argument one night/
so they started up a war to determine who was right/
it was my patriotic duty/
to fight the enemy/
(rest of the song that i don't remember correctly)
I don't wanna die/
in New Jerrrr-sy/
But I'm not sure I wanna live/
In Delaware.

And I wasn't,and soon after that, I didn't. But there are times I miss the place.

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