
Saturday, July 07, 2007

Lately, I've had a lot of free time to waste on the internet, which is what i do as a way to keep my brain busy not noticing that i'm not getting any work done; otherwise i'd be angsting about that, and i don't like angst. it's why, before computers, i was a bookworm. even today i have a good shot at reading another 50 books a year this year, as long as we count the ones like "todd and the talking pinata", where was i, oh, a lot of free time, such that just keeping up with my usual links, which can usually suck up a good 80 hours a week, hasn't been enough and i've been surfing further and further in order to have something entertaining to read. had a point when i began this entry, lost it awhile back, anyway the websnark has not only been blogging again but has a new blog for fictional stuff. i was literally laughing out loud, but not rolling on the floor, from his starbucks rant. I thought doing this blog entry would help clear my thoughts enough to be able to make a webcomic, but it hasn't.

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