
Thursday, July 26, 2007

TOKYO (Reuters) - Japanese girls born last year can expect to live to an average age of 85.8 years, making them the longest-lived in the world, according to figures released by the government on Thursday.
That has to be wrong. I don't know if the error comes from Reuters or the government. People (women) today are living to 85. Or rather people (women) who are dying today were born on average 85 years ago, not counting deaths of the unborn.
People born today don't know how long, on average, they will live. There are too many undeterminables. 2007 + 85.8 = 2092.8.
By then humans may be extinct or immortal.
Hydrogen bombs, cloning, the grey goo problem, advances in medicine, asteroids, raptors, plague, none of this provides the kind of certainty to support an 85.8 figure.
Maybe something was lost in translation.

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