
Monday, January 21, 2008

For some time now I've wanted to have a blog to go with my webcomix, so you have the comic at the top followed by text. But wasn't sure how to do it.
Turns out my friend Brad Hawkins, who writes Monkey Law (and occasionally Monk Law), has built a plugin for word press blogs. So all I need to do is figure out how to use word press, then how to use the plug in, then get my comic set up to work that way.
This was one of my goals for 2007 that didn't happen; now I have a handy package to get it happen - but I'm afraid I will find it too daunting. For being a big geek, a lot of this technical stuff is still just way over my head. Anyway, it's one more item for the to-do list. I might actually have a word press blog already here somewhere.. at 15 blogs, I lose track. This one, vark.blogspot.com, is the only one anybody reads, although apparently most of my hits right now are for a picture of some cute foxes from an entry in 2005.
update: it looks like http://vark.smackjeeves.com/comics/ might work for what i'm trying to do. One drawback: there are already 10,000 other webcomics there, kinda makes me feel insignificant. Not that I'm not, I just don't like facing it.

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