
Sunday, January 20, 2008

I have long enjoyed trivia questions of the sort
"who is buried in grant's tomb?" or "in what year was the battle of new orleans, the last battle of the war of 1812?". I now have been reading a book of these, and have some new ones.
What colour are black boxes?
Where are Panama hats from?
Do marmots kill people?
Other than people and marmots, what is the most dangerous animal?
How many toes does a two-toed sloth have?
What continent has the most tigers?
Not counting humans or marmots, what african mammal kills the most people?
What's 3 times as dangerous as war?
The guillotine and champagne were invented in what country?

Marco Polo is Croatian. Croatia invented the necktie. Antonio Muecci invented the telephone or teletrophono. E pluribus unum is the motto of a Portugese football team. Billy the Kid's name was Henry McCarty. Nome Alaska is based on a misreading of "name?" James Bond's most common drink was whiskey. The log cabin is Scandanavian, imported by Finns to Delaware, where it spread to the US. Arguably the reindeer was the first domesticated animal. Rudolf the reindeer was female; the males have shed their horns by Christmastime. And so forth.

spoiler alert:

North America

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