
Thursday, March 20, 2008

A couple of recent slashdot stories I submitted:

A Step Towards Proving the Riemann Hypothesis
Posted by kdawson on Thursday March 20, @02:50PM
from the prime-time dept.

arbitraryaardvark writes "A new mathematical object has been discovered by Bristol University student Ce Bian. The Riemann hypothesis, unproven since 1859, has to do with the distribution of primes and something called L-functions. Bian has demonstrated the first known third-degree transcendental L-function. This apparently opens up a new way to go about looking for proofs of the Riemann hypothesis. There is an unclaimed $1 million prize for a valid proof. We've discussed a couple of earlier attempts to claim the prize."

The Seattle Times reports that spammer Robert Soloway has pled guilty to mail fraud and tax avoision, in exchange for the state dropping multiple iffy counts of identify theft. Wikipedia. Slashdot previously covered his arrest and mention in the New Yorker. The wire fraud felony count is based on selling $500 packages to wannabe spammers.

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