
Sunday, April 06, 2008

What I'm reading, 2008
10: On the Make: Bill Clinton in Arkansas. Good of kind.
9 The History of the Irish Race. Seumas MacManus. 1921, so is it public domain?
I guess so, Google has it scanned online. Wonderful so far. It's already April, so I might not get to 50 books this year.
Boy Clinton: I'd misplaced this last year and hadn't finished it, so I have it open now while reading other things.
8. Hannibal Rising. Hannibal Lecter comes of age. Excellent book. I've seen silence of the lambs - saw it in Tom Jennings' hotel room at Computer Priviacy and Freedom 2, in 1992 - in which Hannibal is the bad guy, but in this book you learn how he became who he is and why. I'm not sure if he's the protagonist or antogonist, hero or anti-hero, but one tends to root for him.
7. The Enormous Egg. 1954. Kid's book about a boy and his dinosaur, set in Freedom New Hampshire, which is a crossroads with a gas a station and an inn, where I stayed when my sister got married. Good book. Rescued from a dumpster.
6. A Boy's Fortune Horatio Alger Jr. Good triumphs over evil.
5. They Call her Lady Bird. 1964. Bio of Mrs. LBJ. Shallow, but good.
2,3,4. Neal Stephenson, the Baroque Cycle. Liked it. About 2500 pages.
1. A history of the English Language. Slow going, but informative.

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