
Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Very interesting story about some black killers in Baltimore who have learned the Patriot lingo and are asserting wacky defenses. So far they've managed to disrupt things enough that the death penalty aspect of their case has been dropped. Next they will be given tenure at one of the country's prestigious crime colleges, so that they can spread the gospel further.
I know this Patriot stuff probably better than most lawyers. There's a lot of craziness in it, but there is also a core of truth.
One of the key ideas of the patriot movement, for example, is that the second amendment protects an individual right, and the government since Roosevelt has been one giant conspiracy to deny that right.
In Heller, the Supreme Court agreed.

One thing I like to do with the patriot mumbo-jumbo is test it.
The Patriots say that a gold fringe on the flag is significant,and shows that the system is bogus, a sham. OK, that's testable. Object to a flag with a gold fringe and ask for a regular red white and blue flag. If the objection is granted and a regular flag provided, problem solved. However, if the officials suddenly get all huffy and insist on their gold-fringed flag, something up.
The Patriots say that the use of ALL CAPS for party's names in court cases has some mystical significance. OK< that's testable. File papers using regular caps. Problem solved. But if the officials suddenly get all huffy and insist on using ALL CAPS, something's up.
I suspect that there are other testable points that could be found. Hmm, I just looked at the caption for the case I'm working on, Stewart v Marion County.
D's lawyers in their filings change it to STEWART v MARION COUNTY. Bad habit, or is something up?

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