
Sunday, August 17, 2008

I'll be offline for a week shortly.

Here's tynan's 10 things you can do "RIGHT NOW" to improve your life:
1 Buy and read Kurtzwiel's Fantastic Voyage : Live Long Enough to Live Forever.
2. Open a new account, save 10-15% of your income in it forever, spend the interest.
3. Throw away what you don't need.
4. Take a walk every day
5. Daily, delete a number from your phone or call them.
6. Go thru closet, put away or give away stuff you haven't worn in a month.
7. Buy bulk detergent, toilet paper etc for 6 months, to cut down on shopping trips.
8. If you’re disorganized, get and read Getting Things Done : The Art of Stress-Free Productivity. $9.
9. Find the most expensive thing you aren't using, sell it on ebay.
10 share this page with your friends.

My thoughts on the list:
1 agree, but havent done. Kurzwiel is excellent.
2 agree; my savings routine works a little differently.
3. Throw away: I have a hangup, and can't do this. I'm a pack rat.
4. walks: I should but don't. I've recently restarted my bicycling habit.
5. I don't use phones that way.
6. I dont do this.
7. I do stockpile a years supply of lots of things.
8. I'm disorganized. I don't usually buy books.
9. Sell on e-bay: I'll admit, I've never sold anything on ebay. Maybe I should. I'm not a good shipper.
10: share. Sure.

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