
Saturday, September 27, 2008

Word for the day: sympatric. I assume it means coexisting in the same territory. Example:
The diurnal black bear's habit of living in heavily forested areas as opposed to the largely nocturnal brown bear's preference for open spaces usually ensures that the two species avoid confrontations in areas where they are sympatric.
This came up when McCain criticized a $3 Million bear DNA study, and a volokh commenter pointed out the extinction, in 1922, of the California Golden bear, Ursus arctos californicus,the one shown on the California flag. Google doesn't have much on golden bears - they seem to a subspecies of the brown bear,Ursus arctos, related to grizzlies,Ursus arctos horribilis, and kodiaks.
Article on cryptozoology of bears - reported bear species that might or might not exist. Anyay, I thought sympatric was a pretty cool word I'd never seem before.
I went to watch the debates last night with a group of my friends, but ended up talking to people instead of watching the tv, so I missed whatever was said.

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