
Wednesday, October 22, 2008

What I'm reading: I'm on page 217ish of Anathem, and I just read a review at Barnes and Noble Review of Books which majorly spoilered what's going to happen next, so I'm mildly peeved.
Other stuff,
was reading a textbook about deviance, while at a study in St Louis where I'd forgotten to bring Anathem, also some Aesop's Fables - the guy next to me was a student and had books. The one book I'd brought, Collected Writings of Voltairine DeCleyre, was a bit heavier than I was up for. She's perhaps the second best known American anarchist female activist after Emma Goldman, but still very obscure.
Bought the book at an infoshop in Milwaukee, across from a food coop. Milwaukee has a bar on every corner, and this was a student ghetto neighborhood, so it was like, bar, bar, sandwich shop, zen center.
Deviance in a nutshell:
1 a social norm
2 a breaking of the norm
3 an audience
4 negative feedback.

I want to go back through my blog entries this year and see how badly I'm failing at reading 50 books, but I haven't given that task a high enough priority to get it done. Other things I didn't get done today were to fix a flat tire - my car is stranded a block away - or write and file a motion for a stay pending appeal in my voter ID suit. So making a list of books isn't going to get done yet, unless I do it as a way of avoiding doing something else.

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