
Friday, December 26, 2008

What I've been reading while on the East coast:
43. Julia Child, My Life in France. enjoyed.
44. John Grisham, the Broker, one i'd missed and read quickly before giving away.
OK but no King of Torts.
45. A Short History of Scotland (started, won't finish - or maybe i will now that i found it online.
46. The Vantage Point, Lyndon Johnson (started, will take up to a year to finish)

47. Girl Genius: print version of a webcomic, manga-ish, a gift.
So that gives me about 4 days to read three more books to hit 50, if I count ones started but not finished.
I've read all the Wodehouse here; those are about the only ones I can read in a day.
I re-read Psmith in the City, hoping to find Psmith's description of socialism, but I guess it's in Mike and Psmith. More wodehouse online at http://www.gutenberg.org/browse/authors/w#a783
It is conceivable that I might find 3 books I've read this year but forgotten to blog.
If I get bookshelves, I have a new house to put books up in instead of keeping them in boxes.
That'll be one of my goals this year: move into the new house and stop paying rent on my apartment.
But it's not a goal for this next month; I'll wait till it's warm and the plumbing is further along.
Update: 48. Joe Biden, Promises to Keep, present from my sister in Hawaii came today, was very good.
49 The Foot Book, Theodore Geisel Suess.
50. Penrod, Booth Tarkington.

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