
Sunday, November 29, 2009

my great grandmother's cherry cake
i'm at mom's for thanksgiving and finally copying some of the old family recipes.
this was my favorite birthday cake, and my father's too. sigh, it's not vegan, dunno if i can adapt it.

1 1/2 c brown sugar
1/2 shortening
3 eggs beaten
1/2 cherry juice from the can (we had our own cherry tree, and i've planted a pie-cherry tree at my new house so in a few years i might have cherries))
note: these days, it might be hard to find a can of pie cherries. don't use a can of "cherry pie filling" - worthless glop.
2 c regular flour sifted or [or what? something lost in the oral tradition)
2 1/2 c cake flour, sifted
1 t cinnamon
1 t cloves
1 t soda
1 c canned cherries, drained

cream sugar and shortening
add egg juice dry ingredients. fold in cherries. bake 350 in two greased 8 inch layer pans for 30 minutes.

3 c brown sugar
3/4 c cream
4 1/2 T butter
1 1/2 t vanilla

Cook all to soft ball stage. Cool anbd beat till spreadable.
Note: increase the icing to 150%, so that would really be
4 1/2 c brown sugar etc
1 1/8 c cream
6 3/4 T butter
2 3/4 t vanilla .. round off as desired.

My dad's grandmother's recipe (Grandmother Shaw?). My aunt mary ellen olson has this in "500 delicious recipes", put out by County Club Methodist church in KC, where my parents went and were marrried in 1951. I'm copying this from the Hillcrest-Bellefont United Methodist church cookbook "cooking with love"

still to come:
mrs kemp's oatmeal refrigerator ice box cookies.

1 c butter (no substitutes)
1 c white sugar
1 c brown sugar
2 eggs slightly beaten
1 c flour
2 t baking powder
1 t salt
2 c uncooked "old fashioned" (but rolled, not steel cut) oats
1 c pecans, broken
1 t vanilla

cream butter and sugars. add other stuff mix well.
chill then make into rolls. refridgerate several hours (or up to 2 weeks, try not to eat all the dough uncooked)
slice very thin bake on ungreased (nonstick) cooie sheet at 375 F for 10 minutes. the tricky part is the timing of taking them off the sheets - too soon they fall apart, too long they stick. "they are somewhat hard to handle." makes 100.

This recipe comes from Mrs William E Kemp of Kansas City. [Circa 1940s?]
She acquired it from Mrs Roscoe Conkling, whose husband was a member of the Missouri Supreme Court. Mrs Kemp, the wife of Kansas City's mayor, shared the recipe generously. It is included in "500 delicious recipes" of Country Club Methodist, KCMO. Marion Stewart Wilmington. - From "food for thought", cookbook of wilmington chapter of american association of university women, p. 177.

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