
Sunday, January 31, 2010

The zero rupee note, fighting corruption in India. Could a zero dollar note work here?

North Koreans have multiple words for prison in much the same way that the Inuit do for snow.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

The word for the day is "prolix". Prolix laws chill speech for the same reason that vague laws chill speech: People “of common intelligence must necessarily guess at [the law’s] meaning and differ as to its application.” ... Citizen's United. Was also used in Stevens's dissent.
CU overruled Austin and part of McConnell, but also for the first time allowed disclaimer rules, 8-1, so it'll make my life more complicated.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

i really liked some (atomic kitten) (atomic kitten w lyrics) (bad live gay version) (popworld) of (lizzie mcguire)the covers i've heard of blondie's "the tide is high", but I didn't know there was an original by the Paragons. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0rwSPmT3ujU
. I've heard a reggae version (mighty diamonds)(john holt)and there's a new sexist rap/dub one with kardinal and rihanna. pussycat dolls keri wilson oh a better keri wilson version got 5 million hits.
paragons, same song. man next door. More blondie live and video (darth vader)versions.
john holt (who wrote the song) live. I used to have hair like that. My paragons clip is from Fromiowa - check out his black flag and vintage punk clips.
on another note here's jeffree star w blood on the dance floor sexting (nsfw).

Sunday, January 17, 2010

I usually can't follow the rants at penny arcade, because they aren't for me but this one's about books, and kinda makes sense to me.

Perhaps the main downside of the Internet is that surfing can be addictive and a prodigious timewaster, encouraging a habit of butterflying from topic to topic, rather than attending to one thing at a time. But I want to leave negativity and nay saying and end with some speculative — perhaps more positive — observations. The unplanned worldwide unification that the Web is achieving (a science-fiction enthusiast might discern the embryonic stirrings of a new life form) mirrors the evolution of the nervous system in multicellular animals. A certain school of psychologists might see it as mirroring the development of each individual's personality, as a fusion among split and distributed beginnings in infancy. Richard Dawkins

this is funny. and i haven't gotten any work done all day,again.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

I had a cold and expensive trip to new haven ct., but I did get to enjoy an amazing sushi place. http://www.miyassushi.com
For $10 I had the pumpkin miso, a shiso roll, a spicy broccoli roll, a curried okra roll,and some tempura krill. This video gives some idea of what he's about. http://www.miyassushi.com/videos.html
Hmm kinda cute too. I didn't get to meet him, but I got a sense of his approach from reading the 45 page menu.
He says he was inspired as a kid from reading "my side of the mountain". That book had a big influence on me too. I went on to read Euell Gibbons and other survivalist books, and taught wilderness survival at a scout camp, and then moved to Boulder Colorado and applied the same ideas in an urban setting. Lately I've been cooking for a tough crowd - my mom, and getting pretty good reviews. I have a house now on a main drag (rt 40) that's zoned commercial,and it would be fun to do some small dinners on a commercial basis, but in practice it would meaning having to clean up the living room and set up a table, so it probably won't happen. Right now that room is usually in a state of flux from stuff coming in and out from my recycling projects.

Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Hot or not?

earl grey
The jocular clarification that the office holder is neither a lord, nor a privy, nor a seal, though sometimes credited to Edward Heath, was attributed by him to Ernest Bevin.

Saturday, January 02, 2010

In Colorado, a case about the right to fire in a crowded theater. (set popup blockers to stun)
word for the day, choate. I think one of my exes spent her senior year at Choate, but it could have been somewhere else. The NYT article mentions William Renquist. I'm currrently reading his "the supreme court, how it was, how it is." Good book, whether or not one likes him as a judge. For an extreme example of this sort of thing, I'm also reading Mein Kampf which started off well, although by chapter 3 he's raving inchoately against the jews.

Friday, January 01, 2010

tonight's bedtime story from the cynic, to go with my new year's headache and below freezing weather.
it's a story about an elf at christmas, and a little girl. sort of like "the long kiss goodnight" or whatever that geena davis samuel l jackson movie was.

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