
Saturday, March 19, 2011

New on hulu:
Better with you:
three couples illustrate different relationship styles.
a thirty-something hotel manager is unmarried, to the older sister of the girl engaged to a twenty-something slacker. their parents are played by the mom from that 70s show and (well knows character actor whose name i don't know.)
perfect couples
three couples illustrate different relationship styles.
dave and what's her name are the protagonists, bookended by olivia munn as half of a trendfolllowing preppie couple, and trailer-trash-meets-aging-twenty-something-slacker.
this one's the most watchable of the three shows.
traffic light:
three couples illustrate different relation styles.
one's married, one's living with his girlfriend, one has a different girl ever week.
they conference call while driving to work in the morning, establishing the plot line for this week's thrilling/madcap episode.

Sailor Jerry documentary, old school hawaiian tattoo art.

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