
Thursday, November 29, 2012

Movies seen in the theater this year: Lincoln. Was pretty good. More parliamentary procedure and fewer vampires than usual. trailer tommy lee jones, sally field, that guy who was Gale in breaking bad, daniel day lewis. Paid $9 in Kalamazoo.

Books read this year. (Will be updating this post as I find them. Should vbe 10-15 books total.)

1 Clarence Thomas: My Grandfather's Son. Compelling story of his childhood, up to the nomination fight. Enjoyed.

2 Robert Caro: Book 4 in the LBJ bio. I think it's called The Passage to Power. Mostly about LBJ's first 100 days. Fewer surprises than the earlier volumes, but the suspense builds as the Bobby Baker hearings, the Life article exposing LBJ's money, and JFK's trip to Texas come together. Worth the $37 I paid. http://www.amazon.com/Passage-Power-Lyndon-Johnson-ebook/dp/B0062B0844

3 Lewis Shiner various online short works and bio  http://www.lewisshiner.com/autobio.html
4 Jennifer Government. Just because it's funny and a page-turner doesn't mean this isn't an insightful critique of consumerism amok.
5,6. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. Picked it up  at the hostel to kill some time, read another one online, but that site seems to have been taken down.

So either I hardly read anything all year, or more likely I forgot to blog a few of them as I went. I don't seem to have blogged much at all this year, at least here. I had focused some of that effort on a tumblr, and before that on a wordpress site, but those are gone now, censorship. Mostly I reddit.

To read in 2013: The Dangerous Animals Club, Stephan Tobolowsky.
 The Mongoliad excerpt and book trailer. Neal Stevenson. Maybe the Steven Bury novels.
Child, Mastering the Art of French Cooking. I have it on my to-read pile but havent gotten around to it.

7. Do Less, Acheive More. Chin-ning Chu. I only took half the advice.
8. Ted Morgan, Maugham. An ok bio of an interesting, if troubled, writer.
9. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. Better than the movie. Not sure if that means I have to read the Hunger Games; the movie didn't really speak to me.
I'll assume there was at least one more book I've forgotten.

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