
Friday, January 04, 2013

what i'm reading:
Project Gutenberg's My Memories of Eighty Years, by Chauncey M. Depew
I'm reading this, as a book, in the local history room of the Buffalo Library. 
When I was a kid three of the boys in my patrol had a divorced father who owned and planned to restore a paddlewheel riverboat, the Chauncy M. Depew.
In later years I learned that Depew had been a senator or some such, so I'm happy to have a book about him in his own words. I'll finish reading it another time. My roommate is next to me, pouring over maps of Hamburger NY, where we stayed in a hotel last night. Though disputed, it has some claim to be the home of the hamburger, from an 1885 county fair where they ran out of sausages so they improvised. He's a geneology bug and infected me a few years ago. He's also the reason my house has bedbugs, but that's another story. I haven't heard yet if my offer on the new house has been formally accepted yet.
I'm not finding much on google about the riverboat. It might be from around 1912 and may have cruised the Hudson. There's some info in a box at the New York Historical Society.
"Series I. Steamboat Lines contains photographs, prints, clippings, and ephemera dating
                     1886-1951. The material is arranged alphabetically by subject with the majority relating
                     to the Hudson River Day Line, although the Central Hudson Line and the Hudson River
                     Navigation Company are also represented. Individual steamers highlighted include:
                     the Benjamin B. Odell; the Homer Ramsdell; the Newburgh; the Fort Orange; the Albany;
                     the Alexander Hamilton; the Chauncey M. Depew; the DeWitt Clinton; the Hendrick Hudson;
                     the Mary Powell; the New York; the Peter Stuyvesant; the Robert Fulton; the Washington
                     ship plans and blueprints are of particular interest in the documentation of individual
                     steamers. Those represented include: the Albany; the Alexander Hamilton; the Clermont;
                     the Chauncey Depew; the Dewitt Clinton; the Hendrick Hudson; the Mary Powell; the
                     New York; the Robert Fulton; and the Washington Irving.

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