
Saturday, February 09, 2013

what i'm reading:
cowboys full, the story of poker, james mcmanus.
i don't play poker, but i enjoy reading about it.
the consumerist manifesto handbook, charles selden.
picked these up as impulse buys at the dollar store last night.
silence of the lambs, left it in buffalo. read 100 pages of red dragon, an earlier book in the hannibal lecter series, while killing time in a coffee shop.
 i saved a copy of the 7 pillars of wisdom by lawrence of arabia to reread sometime
when i can't get online.read 1/2 of it on the bus.
reading some plutarch, about alcibiades, solon, cicero etc.

just made an $8K offer on a fixer-upper duplex a few blocks from here. update: got outbid.

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