
Tuesday, September 24, 2013

This photo of supposedly antique machines reminds me that now that I have a computer with a working camera, I could take pictures of some of the Annis collection stuff I have in my attic.
(I think the above photo is a mix of antique and vintage; antique meaning over 100 years old.)
When I moved to Indy 20 years ago I lived across the street from an old brick mansion that was home to the R B Annis Electrical Aparatus Company, and when the historical society threw away his "junk" I dumpster dived some of the pieces and gradually learned more about who he was.
He was a boy genius inventor and engineer who was an expert on magnetism. He built radio and tv stations and invented stuff that helped win WWII and did a lot with custom demagnetizers.

I am out of town right now but this would be a good project for the next month.

The creative spirit of Annis Instruments grew from the talents of its founder, Robert B. Annis. Born in 1907, Annis developed a technical knack during the heyday of radio, and spent his early career honing the skills that would turn hobby into profession. During the war years, he'd already amassed enough professional kudos to catch the eye of military-industrial fabricators, and he quickly gained a reputation as an intricate problem solver. His modest, respected staff of engineers and manufacturers has grown to share his skills (some through 45+ years of service), and proudly maintain the Annis name. Today, Annis Instruments remains a small, hands-on operation - an assurance of remarkable consistency and quality.

Annis Instruments produces a catalog of 1000+ products, but to this day specializes in custom solutions in demagnetizing. To begin the consultation process with an Annis engineer, please contact us today. Visit our product line here

Oh this is cool. ftp://geoportal.wri.gvsu.edu/RB_Annis_Bio.pdf It's an online bio of Annis.
I've read it before but didnt know there was a copy online.

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