
Saturday, September 27, 2014

I see one movie a year. this year it was "the Equalizer". Denzel and Chloe.
Ok if you like explosions and shoot em ups. Denzel could play Obama.
His facial expressions bring some humour in between falling bodies. It's kind of "Taken 4."
I liked the movie and liked Denzel's main character, but the reason I paid for a ticket was Chloe.
She is not Hit-Girl in this movie, more of a redeemed-victim type.
Her part is small but sets up the rest of the action.
I have not seen the old TV show the movie is based on.


Also caught a few minutes of "Let's be Cops" by the New Girl cast, light fare
with a Wayans brother, Damon, and Jake Johnson as sidekick/partner. (sp)
Whoops, not a brother, a son. New Girl's Damon Wayons is the son of Damon Wayans who is in my favorite movie Earth Girls are Easy. I didn't get that sorted out till just now.

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