
Sunday, November 02, 2014

notes from laramore article on indiana constitution case law

The court of appeals also addressed jury trial rights in Gates v. City of
Indianapolis, in which the defendant was charged with violating animal control
ordinance, which are infractions.165 Gates sought a jury trial, and the trial court
denied the request.166
 gates won.  991 NE 2d 592 - 2013


indiana finally now recognizes trial by jury for ordinance violations!

case involved a dog license. other case mentioned involved a speeding ticket.

if the case seeks a fine, it's law. if it seeks both fine and injunction, you'd have to argue it.

i could use this in my disputes with health and hospital.
 need to inform "fred sanford", a local activist against the zoning thugs.

cunnimgham was pro se. won right to jury trial on speeding ticket.

http://greenecountyindiana.com/2014/04/09/driver-with-speeding-ticket-asks-for-trial-by-jury-and-loses/ he got to a jury though, that's the important thing. well written story.

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