
Friday, March 27, 2015

Last night my roommate took me to our town's art museum. I got to see a couple of the Turner pieces that I couldn't find last time I was there.

and the internet is telling me the IMA has a bunch more Turners back in the vaults somewhere.
I didnt see this one that the ima owns, for example.

 The IMA also holds a large collection of works by J.M.W. Turner, containing highlights such as the 1820 watercolor, Rosslyn Castle.[6] The collection, which was formed by a substantial donation by philanthropist Kurt Pantzer in 1979, includes over fifty watercolors, as well as oil paintings, prints, and etchings.[41]

My interest in Turner was rekindled recently when i saw a BBC show about art detectives trying to authenticate 3 Turners in Wales that were thought to be fakes but they proved real. What I learned from the show is that while I know Turner for his seascapes, he also did indoor stuff, nudes and such, but these have been largely hidden away by Victorian prudes. I think there's a potential book there.
I'll try to find the show and add a link.
Found it. http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b01n39kg

http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/art/art-news/9276940/Previously-unseen-Turner-painting-reveals-his-ambitions-as-portrait-artist.html his article explores what i'm talking about.

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