
Friday, January 01, 2016

Tynan had an amazing year. I don't know if  I can say the same.

No books written, nothing published at all.
No dating worth mentioning.
Lots of travel, all domestic.Spent time in Denver, Baltimore, St Charles MO,
Lincoln, Cincinatti, I'm probably forgetting a few. made a decent amount of money
but don't seem to have saved it.Turned back at the border of Canada.I don't travel abroad so I don't have a passport, and I don't have a passport so I don't travel abroad.
My spacebar seems to be on strike so I'm editing as i go.
No lawsuits filed or settled, not even an amicus. Last year I worked hard to get my law license
back and now that I have it I don't use it any more than I did back when I decided to let it lapse.
I did not buy or sell a house. I did buy two cars, and lost 3 cars, so I'm down to two.
2016 goal is to fix those cars so they are in good condition.
2014 was an exciting year because I joined a housing co-op, which  had been a long term goal,
and lived with a bunch of great people I liked.
In 2015 the housing coop fell apart. I am as responsible as anybody for that.
Right now I am physically still here, but it isn't totally clear yet if we'll get to stay.
We are down to three people, and between us we don't have $1000/mo plus utilities for a place this size. here I am making another me post on what is normally not that kind of blog.
But the tynan article is worth reading.

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