
Sunday, December 31, 2017



Saturday, December 30, 2017


Tool-Donation Wishlist

We really appreciate folks who make their media & event tools accessible to the community! We accept donations of barely-used tools, including items in (but not limited to) this list, but only if they’re in good condition or better.

Friday, December 29, 2017


The case seeks to establish that the PSC is divested of its role in regulating electrical utilities and exclusively determining whether utility projects are in the best interest of the state of Missouri. The urgency in answering this question is driven by a statewide financial impact on hundreds of thousands of Missouri electrical consumers who will pay higher power prices if the Grain Belt Express wind transmission line is not built. - 11/2/2017

Columbia Joins Missouri Municipalities In Purchasing Power Delivered by Grain Belt Express

The Columbia City Council voted on Monday to significantly increase their renewable energy supply by purchasing 35 megawatts of power delivered by the Grain Belt Express. 
MJMEUC found that the power delivered by the Grain Belt Express project is the lowest-cost energy of any kind available for the City of Columbia. - 06/5/2017


Thursday, December 28, 2017

Bi shark goes viral. video w/ katy.

Tuesday, December 26, 2017



Apparently I need to spend 2018 learning a software package called relativity, so I can get doc review gigs.

oswald: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vYohvY6UPrE&ab_channel=JFKAssassinationForum

oswald: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QuwAzxAT3Uc

Monday, December 25, 2017


Iron Edison video, better batteries. Nickel-iron batteries and others.

I spent christmas morning watching alernative energy videos.


wait but why blogger speech.

Sunday, December 24, 2017

A [tentative] word from our sponsor:

[This is just a draft so far, although I may post the draft and update as I go.}

Happy holidays everyone, from me and the rest of the staff here at Stewart's Salvage Company.
For the past 10 years we've been paying the internet bill for this blog, tax deductable.
We haven't spammed you with ads, except the google adsense stuff, which so far over 10 years has generated about $35 in income. But it might be worth mentioning some of the items in our inventory that we have at least 100 of, and want to sell cheap, if we figure out how to do an internet store.
So for now taking preorders by email, the usual gtbear at gmail, for any of:

Light bulbs, especially LED 75 and 100 watt equivalent bulbs at $4; that is, I want $2 per bulb on a consignment basis for people willing to sell them for $4 a bulb. Or just buy some @ 2$ plus shipping.
These sell for $8.25 at Walmart, $10 at big lots. Pics to follow.

Plates, large or small, white or clear, $1 each plus s+h.

Wine and water glasses. Fragile. Some may have fire damage. $1 @ plus shipping and handling tbd.

Let's see, what else have I got?

Petrie dishes, up to 100. These are $8 in the catalog, I want $2 plus shipping.
Compare here: https://www.coleparmer.com/i/pyrex-3160-60-brand-3160-petri-dish-60-x-15-mm-pack-of-12/3455101 , they want $12 each, if those are the same ones.

10 bubble flasks, about a foot tall, not sure if 1L. Probably borosilicate pyrex. The catalog wants $400 something for a case of 12, but this is 10 for let's say $100 + shipping.

Revereware pots @ $10, lids $5, + shipping. I don't have 100s of these, but dozens. Pics later.

I'm sure there's more inventory I'll remember and add later, so this post should evolve.

Either there are reindeer on the roof, or trash pandas in the attic.

Solar deployment has increased 100-fold in the past decade, yet solar energy supplies just 1% of U.S. electricity today. In a little over 10 years, solar is expected to grow to about 5% of U.S. electricity and hit 10-20% by 2050. But more is possible. With aggressive solar and storage technology cost declines and a focus on grid integration, the country could more than double that deployment. This talk describes promising pathways for advanced solar technologies and for integrating solar with energy storage and other technologies. Becca Jones-Albertus also looks at the associated projections for solar deployment based on NREL's Regional Energy Deployment System model. This talk was presented on November 8, 2017 as part of the IHS Markit Seminar Series. About the speaker: Becca Jones-Albertus is the acting deputy director for the U.S. Department of Energy Solar Energy Technologies Office, working to advance solar energy technology and accelerate market adoption with an annual budget of over $200 million (to date). The Solar Office has a history of working to reduce the cost of solar electricity through the SunShot Initiative and, with the rapid growth in solar deployment, is now expanding its emphasis on solving the challenges related to integrating large amounts of solar energy onto the grid. Jones-Albertus has spent her career advancing solar technology, from fundamental research and development to manufacturing. Prior to joining the Department of Energy, Jones-Albertus was at Solar Junction, where she led efforts developing the company’s two-time world record solar cells and then transferring that technology to a high volume manufacturing toolset. Jones-Albertus graduated magna cum laude from Princeton University with a BS in electrical engineering, and also holds a MS and PhD in materials science and engineering from the University of California, Berkeley. She has more than 10 patents and 30 technical publications. ___ The MIT Energy Initiative is MIT’s hub for energy research, education, and outreach. Learn more at http://energy.mit.edu.


"Solar deployment has increased 100-fold in the past decade, yet solar energy supplies just 1% of U.S. electricity today."
So if it does that again in the next 10 years, that'll be 100%, more or less.

                                                      happy holidays from indiana

Saturday, December 23, 2017

The True Meaning of Christmas

Friday, December 22, 2017


earliest known podcast.

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

went to an auction saturday.

Monday, December 18, 2017

Attention law students! Every summer, IJ hires the best, brightest, and most reasonable law students to clerk across all seven of our offices in Arlington, Austin, Chicago, Miami, Minneapolis, Seattle, and Tempe. Clerks get an unparalleled opportunity to impact IJ's cutting-edge constitutional litigation. Not only is the summer extremely substantive in terms of work product, but students also participate in intensive legal and communications trainings, attend seminars, and integrate fully into IJ's office and culture. Learn more about the program here and apply now.

ij has grown.

Saturday, December 16, 2017


Compound in Marijuana Appears Safe and Nonaddictive, WHO Says


:@WilliamBaude: Book recommendations from me and my colleagues
Posted:Thu, 14 Dec 2017 07:28:00 -0500

Every year, the Chicago faculty collects some of our favorite books of the year with recommendations for anybody who might be interested. This year, I had two:

Neal Stephenson & Nicole Galland, The Rise and Fall of D.O.D.O.

I am a sucker for time travel novels, but this excellent new caper is not an ordinary time travel book. It explores the surprising reason for witchcraft's demise, the dynamics of government bureaucracy, and the corruption of academia by the military industry complex. And yet it is light, funny, and not particularly mystical. If you've read the authors' work before, you might be able to guess how they pull this off. If not, now is the time to start.

I usually run out and buy any new Stphenson, but I haven't read his various co-written ones.
This one looks interesting.

Friday, December 15, 2017


I'm a fan of Judge Kozinski. But I as also a fan of Heidi Bond, who was a prominent law blogger at crescat sententia before her clerkships with Kozinski and then the supreme court.

Her statements about working with Kozinski are troubling.



also http://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/peru-launches-impeachment-process-president-51818729


monday: i mean 24,792.20

Saturday, December 09, 2017

Went to an auction this week. Anyone want a 12 fot long kitchen sink? Under $1000.
Has a working freezer and a fridge. Also have 30 tables and some misc.
I got it outside, but havenot yet got it home. Photo credit Thomas Smith.

NASA to replace humans with ROBOTS and use AI to explode DEEP SPACE 

https://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/latest-news/665894/NASA-artificial-intelligence-AI-robot-replace-human-space-agency-cognitive-radio (may open video.)

Sunday, December 03, 2017

http://i.imgur.com/HJAPT38.gifv chair.

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