
Sunday, December 24, 2017

A [tentative] word from our sponsor:

[This is just a draft so far, although I may post the draft and update as I go.}

Happy holidays everyone, from me and the rest of the staff here at Stewart's Salvage Company.
For the past 10 years we've been paying the internet bill for this blog, tax deductable.
We haven't spammed you with ads, except the google adsense stuff, which so far over 10 years has generated about $35 in income. But it might be worth mentioning some of the items in our inventory that we have at least 100 of, and want to sell cheap, if we figure out how to do an internet store.
So for now taking preorders by email, the usual gtbear at gmail, for any of:

Light bulbs, especially LED 75 and 100 watt equivalent bulbs at $4; that is, I want $2 per bulb on a consignment basis for people willing to sell them for $4 a bulb. Or just buy some @ 2$ plus shipping.
These sell for $8.25 at Walmart, $10 at big lots. Pics to follow.

Plates, large or small, white or clear, $1 each plus s+h.

Wine and water glasses. Fragile. Some may have fire damage. $1 @ plus shipping and handling tbd.

Let's see, what else have I got?

Petrie dishes, up to 100. These are $8 in the catalog, I want $2 plus shipping.
Compare here: https://www.coleparmer.com/i/pyrex-3160-60-brand-3160-petri-dish-60-x-15-mm-pack-of-12/3455101 , they want $12 each, if those are the same ones.

10 bubble flasks, about a foot tall, not sure if 1L. Probably borosilicate pyrex. The catalog wants $400 something for a case of 12, but this is 10 for let's say $100 + shipping.

Revereware pots @ $10, lids $5, + shipping. I don't have 100s of these, but dozens. Pics later.

I'm sure there's more inventory I'll remember and add later, so this post should evolve.

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