
Wednesday, January 31, 2018

.  Tell lawmakers to keep Kentucky sweet by signing the bakers’ petition!
Small Business Bill Could Mean Big Opportunity 
Before serving even a single customer, every D.C. small business must pay up.  From the initial application fee for a basic business license to industry-specific licensing, D.C.’s entrepreneurs are forced to give the government thousands of dollars just to start their businesses.  But this could all change.  The Micro-Business Startup Fee Relief Amendment Act of 2017, if passed, would reduce the total cost of startup fees for new businesses with taxable incomes of $100,000 or less to 25 percent of the total cost of the current basic business license fee.  For D.C. entrepreneurs, this could mean hundreds of dollars going back into their businesses and communities instead of into the city’s coffers.  IJ has been working closely with Councilmember Robert White’s office, local business owners and community organizations to build support for this important bill.  Live in D.C.?  Help D.C. entrepreneurs and tell Councilmember and Chairman Phil Mendelson to please bring the Micro-Business Startup Fee Relief Amendment Act to a hearing!  You can call his office at (202) 724-8032.

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